Janne Of Love
- Millitsa Gladnishka
- Juha Hippi
- Vilma Kartalska
- Miska Kajanus
- Directors
- Vilma Kartalska, Radko Savov
- Screenwriters
- Vilma Kartalska
- Producers
- Vilma Kartalska Radko Savov
- Festival de Cannes
- The Short Film Corner 2014 Cannes
- France (videolibrary) Finno-Ugric Film Festival 2014 Tsiistre
- Estonia June 7
- 2014 European premiere Budapest Short Film Festival BuSho 2014 Budapest
- Hungary September 4
- 2014 Access Code Short Film Festival 2014 Srinagar
- India September 21
- 2014 Lucerne International Film Festival 2014 Lucerne
- Switzerland (Showcase Selection) Lecce Film Festival 2014 Lecce
- Italy December 28
- 2014 Award for Best Actress /Millitsa Gladnishka/ #TOFF November's edition 2014 USA Winner - Short Narrative Under Cannes - Cannes Underground Film Festival 2015 Cannes
- France 3rd International Motion Festival 2015 Nicosia
- Cyprus My Love Michelle Short Film Festival 2015 Hollywood Park
- USA Colortape International Film Festival 2015 Brisbane
- Australia June 15
- 2015 San Francisco Film Awards 2015 San Francisco
- USA Honorable Mention CayFilm Cayman International Film Festival 2015 George Town
- Cayman Islands
Directors Statement
Why East and West – the two legs of Europe, are still tripping over each other instead of walking? We are “united in diversity”, right? If nowadays there is one thing that Europeans are united in, it is the fact that they are against diversity. But being a utopian myself, I would still put my eggs in that basket.
I am an Eastern European. 24 years after the Fall of Communism I know what is like to be treated like a second class person. Do I like it? No. Is it gonna change in the near future? Yes, but only if we do something about it. Therefore, my co-director Radko Savov and I went on a quest to reconcile the two warring blocks, offering a witty solution, where at least in a film they can shake hands. Three years after the idea “struck” me, the tangled situation East-West is even worse – mass hysteria over free movement of Bulgarians and Romanians, western delegations boycotting Sochi, the horror in Ukraine… Hostility. Xenophobia. Suspicion. It feels like the Cold War again.
Even though in such times people expect gloomy stories, „JANNE OF LOVE” is a film of hope. It is up-to-date, slightly absurd, moving on the razor’s edge of politically correct. With big doses of humor it points out the sourest problems of contemporary Europe - invisible borders, cultural alienation, and stereotypical perception of “The Foreigner”, illustrated by three languages, which represent willingness or refusal to understand the other. Equipollent opponents defending their own point of view without listening. The truth is that both sides have their reasons to be angry. But how will finger-pointing solve the problem?
And here comes the forth language – the one of unison and creation. In the base lies the idea that we are different, but equal and if we stop staring at the things dividing us, take our time to know each other, we may even find, shockingly, what unites us!? Cause looking through the eyes of a foreigner opens new horizons, not dead ends. And „JANNE OF LOVE” is a reached out hand in search of togetherness.
Vilma Kartalska
Scriptwriter/Director of „JANNE OF LOVE”
runtime: 26 min
screening: July 3rd