Malte Urbschat


Malte Urbschat addresses the spreading feeling of permanent surveillance. From everyday objects such as bottles, adhesive tape or tinfoil, Urbschat forms objects, each of which is individually characterized - a punk from the fashion world, an astronaut, a black fighter or a disco visitor. The works, which are often installed in an installation, form scenarios in which communication is in the foreground.

2021 Ideas and Idols

Mykonos Biennale  -  Untitled - screen shot


Mike, 2021, Blue Seal, (thermoplastic elastomer),glue, wellness article, scouring pads, 45 cm x 25cm x 25 cm Courtesy of the Artist and GALERIE UTOPIA
Mykonos Biennale  -  Untitled  - screen shot


Alex, 2021, Blue Seal, (thermoplastic elastomer),glue, teapot, sunglasses, 45 cm x 25cm x 25 cm Courtesy of the Artist and GALERIE UTOPIA
Mykonos Biennale  -  Untitled - screen shot


Freddy, 2021,
Blue Seal, (thermoplastic elastomer),Glück, sunglasses, masks
65 cm x 25cm x 25 cm
Courtesy of the Artist and