Luis Maly

Luis Maly


"About a one and a half year ago I received bad news concerning bloodwork which was done in Greece, my mother country, as a periodic check-up. According to the results I had some kind of terminal disease and my time in this world would be limited. A second opinion proved these results to be faulty and thankfully it turned out that nothing was the matter with my health. Having been so close to death’s door the subject stayed within my artistic practice. My recent works are based on the fact that death is inevitable to all of us. Garments of my deceased relatives hang from ceiling openings. They ascend to the hereafter, as it were, and are coverings that now take on a symbolic value with regard to the persons that used to wear them. Above each garment, a plant of thyme is placed, referring to a Greek saying that someone who died is now located under the thyme. Eventually the little plants will decay. Furthermore, the metal plant symbolizes life, at the same time exposing its roots death comes in to the picture. The rusted metal sheet is hanging like a painting; this object has stood outside for two years and is affected by climate and time. By making the processes of decay visible I try to get a grip on our unfathomable mortality."


Luis Maly is a Greek multidisciplinary artist based in the Hague (NL). He graduated from the sculpture department of the Royal Academy of Arts the Hague in 2017. Over the last years Luis has produced works critical to the sociopolitical system we live, such as the choice of enrolling and relating to political/ national identity. The main material Luis works with is metal. Since 2018 he is the metal workshop manager of the Royal Academy of arts the Hague. With the general support of Stroom Den Haag Luis built his own metal furnace with which he produces all of his metal cast sculptures. In 2021 Luis received the Mondriaan fund for young talent aimed to professionalize his artistic over the next years.

Ο Λούης Μάλυ, Έλληνας καλλιτέχνης με έδρα τη Χάγη (NL) αποφοίτησε από το τμήμα γλυπτικής της Βασιλικής Ακαδημίας Τεχνών της Χάγης το 2017. Τα τελευταία χρόνια ο Λούης παρήγαγε έργα σε σχέση με το κοινωνικοπολιτικό σύστημα που ζούμε, όπως η επιλογή εγγραφής με μια συγκεκριμένη πολιτική/ εθνική ταυτότητα. Το κύριο υλικό με το οποίο εργάζεται ο Luis είναι το μέταλλο. Από το 2018 είναι ο υπεύθυνος εργαστηρίου μετάλλου της Βασιλικής Ακαδημίας Τεχνών της Χάγης. Με την ευγενική υποστήριξη του Stroom Den Haag Luis κατασκεύασε το δικό του προσωπικό καμίνι με το οποίο παράγει όλα τα μεταλλικά χυτά γλυπτά του. Το 2021 ο Λούης έλαβε το την επιδότηση Mondriaan με στόχο την καθιέρωση του καλλιτεχνικού έργου του στην εθνική κοινότητα της σύγχρονης τέχνης.